
Clifford Gilmore Allen, The Relation of the german Gregorius auf dem Stein to the old French poem La vie de saint Gregoire, Matzke memorial Volume containing two unpublished papers by John E. Matzke and Contributions in his memory, Stanford, 1911 : p. 49-56

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Clifford Gilmore Allen, The Relation of the german Gregorius auf dem Stein to the old French poem La vie de saint Gregoire, Matzke memorial Volume containing two unpublished papers by John E. Matzke and Contributions in his memory, Stanford, 1911 : p. 49-56
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1 œuvre traitée
> Anonyme | Vie de saint Grégoire le Grand | Or entendes por Dieu amour / La vie d'un bon peceor / De la terre fu d'Aquitaine / Mes si pechie sont molt estraine
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