Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Gérard Gros, De vieil mesrien neufve maison : le rondel de maistre Alain mis en nouvel langage par Jean Regnier (Livre de la Prison, vers 4343–4474), Le Moyen Age, Tome CXXIII, 2017-11-23 : p. 9-24 | 
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Gérard Gros, De vieil mesrien neufve maison : le rondel de maistre Alain mis en nouvel langage par Jean Regnier (Livre de la Prison, vers 4343–4474), Le Moyen Age, Tome CXXIII, 2017-11-23 : p. 9-24
Provisionally released after fifteen months in prison to raise money for his ransom, Jean Regnier took to the hills. This happened in May and a song that suited his mood, written by Alain Chartier, came to mind and to his lips. Regnier transcribed the text and inserted it into his Livre de la Prison. The model being set – a simple twelve-line rondel – Regnier rewrote it his own way in order to be precise about how he felt. One possibility is that he applied the fatras style to every rewritten verse, creating a kind of serventois. Regnier thus confirmed his attention to technique, his taste for formal innovation, and, in this, his artisanal sense of poetry, all of which place him as a precursor to the Grands Rhétoriqueurs.
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1 œuvre traitée
> Jean Régnier | Fortunes et adversités | O Jesus, qui te souffris pendre / En la croix et ton corps estendre
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