
Delbert W. Russell, The Cultural Context of the French Prose remaniement of the Life of Edward the Confessor by a Nun of Barking Abbey, Language and culture in medieval Britain. The French of England, 2009 : p. 290-302

+ -Référence
Delbert W. Russell, The Cultural Context of the French Prose remaniement of the Life of Edward the Confessor by a Nun of Barking Abbey, Language and culture in medieval Britain. The French of England, 2009 : p. 290-302
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> Anonyme | Vie de saint Edouard roi d'Angleterre | Uns roys regna jadis en Engleterre qui ot nun Alevred
> Religieuse de Barking | Vie de saint Edouard roi d'Angleterre | Al loenge le creatur / Coment cest ovre et sa valur / Sa valur et sa aie / De translater ci ceste vie
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