
Angelica Rieger, Was Bieiris de Romans Lesbian ? Women's Relations with Each Other in the World of the Troubadours, The Voice of the Trobairitz : Perspectives on the Women Troubadours, Philadelphia, University of pennsylvania Press, 1989 : p. -

+ -Référence
Angelica Rieger, Was Bieiris de Romans Lesbian ? Women's Relations with Each Other in the World of the Troubadours, The Voice of the Trobairitz : Perspectives on the Women Troubadours, Philadelphia, University of pennsylvania Press, 1989 : p. -
CRMANUSCRIPTA, 1989, t. 33, n° 3, p. 219.; RLiR 54 (1990), S. Gaunt 621-625 Mots-clés :Bieiris de romans//Trobairitz//Theme femme//Theme homosexualité//Mélanges Trobairitz// oc
+ -Sujets traités
1 intervenant traité
Bieiris de Romans
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  • Lyrique
  • Lyrique oc
  • Trobairitz