Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X STEPHEN G NICHOLS, Medieval women and the politics of poetry, Displacements. Women, tradition, literatures in French, Parallax. Re-visions of culture and society, Baltimore London, Johns Hopkins UP, 1991 : p. 99 - 125 | 
+ -Référence
STEPHEN G NICHOLS, Medieval women and the politics of poetry, Displacements. Women, tradition, literatures in French, Parallax. Re-visions of culture and society, Baltimore London, Johns Hopkins UP, 1991 : p. 99 - 125
CRNCFS XX (1991/92) 273-275/ Wolf, Susan L.; FSt XLVI (1992) 493-494/ Jouve, Nicole Ward; FR LXVI (1992/93) 319-320/ Gathercole, Patricia M.; PFSCL XIX (1992) 528-530 / Albanese, Ralph Cité dans Klapp 1992 n° 1730 Mots-clés :Thème femme//
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