Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Nancy Freeman Regalado, A contract for an early festival book : Sarrasin's Le Roman du Hem (1278), Acts and Texts. Performance and Ritual in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Ludus. Medieval and Early Renaissance Theatre and Drama, 8, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2007 : p. 249-267 | 
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Nancy Freeman Regalado, A contract for an early festival book : Sarrasin's Le Roman du Hem (1278), Acts and Texts. Performance and Ritual in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Ludus. Medieval and Early Renaissance Theatre and Drama, 8, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2007 : p. 249-267
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> Sarrasin | Roman du Hem | ...Ne se puet taire qu'il ne die / De la flour de chevalerie...
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