Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X MICHEL-ANDRE BOSSY, Twin flocks: Guiraut Riquier's Pastorellas and his book of songs, Tenso, 9/2, 1994 : p. 147-176 | 
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MICHEL-ANDRE BOSSY, Twin flocks: Guiraut Riquier's Pastorellas and his book of songs, Tenso, 9/2, 1994 : p. 147-176
Dans IMB 28/1, n° 3000: Argues that the pastorella cycle continually refers back to the chronological order and architectural patterns of the canso-vers compilation Mots-clés : Guiraut riquier//Pastourelles: guiraut riquier//oc
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Guiraut Riquier
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