
ROUBEN CHOLAKIAN, Riquier's Letras: an epistemology of self', Tenso, 11/2, 1996 : p. 129-147

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ROUBEN CHOLAKIAN, Riquier's Letras: an epistemology of self', Tenso, 11/2, 1996 : p. 129-147
Discusses the concept of self in the poetry, whereby Riquier refers to himself in the third person as the best current poet, not on the grounds of birth or rank, but because of his knowledge and postic skillsDans IMB 30/1, janvier-juin 1996, n° 3101 Mots-clés : Guiraut riquier: epistres//Epistres: guiraut riquier//Thème je// oc
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Guiraut Riquier
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