Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Pascale Dumont, Troublantes similitudes entre le Jeu de saint Nicolas (Jehan Bodel) et le Mystère de saint Martin (Andrieu de la Vigne), Le Moyen Age, 110, 2004 : p. 119-134 | 
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Pascale Dumont, Troublantes similitudes entre le Jeu de saint Nicolas (Jehan Bodel) et le Mystère de saint Martin (Andrieu de la Vigne), Le Moyen Age, 110, 2004 : p. 119-134
Résumé disponible sur le site de la revue : Mots-clés : théâtre médiéval, espace, temps, hagiographie, sources. Nearly three centuries elapsed between the Jeu de saint Nicolas written by Jehan Bodel (Arras, beginning of the 13th century) and the Mystère de saint Martin by Andrieu de la Vigne (Burgundy, 1496). At first sight, nothing seems to link these two plays, the first showing a posthumous miracle by St Nicolas of Myra, the latter developing the entire life of the bishop of Tours. Nevertheless, interesting similarities can be found if a comparison is made between the Jeu de saint Nicolas and the part of the Mystère which focuses on the military youth of St Martin. Both authors use in their plays a double temporality, one according to human standards, the other following a more mythical rhythm. The spatial approach is also split into two opposite worlds, a close and familiar one opposed to a distant and fabulous one. Such similarities raise the question whether Andrieu de la Vigne could have known and maybe used the famous play written by Jehan Bodel"
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2 œuvres traitées
> Jean Bodel | Jeu de saint Nicolas | Oiies, oiies, seigneur et dames / Que Diex vous soit garans as avres
> André de la Vigne | Mystère de saint Martin | à compléter
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