Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Alcuin Blamires et Gail Holian, The Romance of the Rose illuminated : manuscripts at the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Cardiff, University Press of Wales, 2002 | 
+ -Référence
Alcuin Blamires et Gail Holian, The Romance of the Rose illuminated : manuscripts at the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Cardiff, University Press of Wales, 2002
CR Huot in Medium Aevum 72 / 1 (2002) p.153-4 ;CR Kramer in ZrPh 122 (2006), p. 819-820 ; CR O'Rourke in Journal of the early book society, 6, 2003, p.175-79
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3 projets de parution traités
> ABERYSTWYTH | National Library of Wales | 5012E
> ABERYSTWYTH | National Library of Wales | 5014D
> ABERYSTWYTH | National Library of Wales | 5016D
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