
Barbara Baert, Aspects of the invention of the Cross. Iconography around 1400 and its relationship with the Genre of the Classes ans the Adamite Peasant, Manuscripts in Transition. Recycling Manuscripts, Texts and Images, Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts, 8, Paris, Peeters, 1995

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Barbara Baert, Aspects of the invention of the Cross. Iconography around 1400 and its relationship with the Genre of the Classes ans the Adamite Peasant, Manuscripts in Transition. Recycling Manuscripts, Texts and Images, Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts, 8, Paris, Peeters, 1995
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2 projets de parution traités
> CHANTILLY | Bibliothèque du Château (Musée Condé) | 0735 (1335)
> RENNES | Bibliothèque municipale | 0266
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