
Lucien Foulet et Gerald A Bertin, The Acts of Andrew in Old French verse : the Gardner A. sage Library Fragment, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. Monograph series, 81, 1966 : p. 451-454

+ -Référence
Lucien Foulet et Gerald A Bertin, The Acts of Andrew in Old French verse : the Gardner A. sage Library Fragment, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. Monograph series, 81, 1966 : p. 451-454
+ -Sujets traités
1 œuvre traitée
> Anonyme | Vie de saint André | ///Le vescunte tel anguisse prist / Que il ne saveit quei il fist
1 projet de parution traité
> NEW BRUNSWICK | Gardner Sage Library | s.n. (Vie de saint André, fragment)
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