Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Judith H. Oliver, A Bundle of Myrrh: Passion Meditation in French Vernacular Poems and Images in some Liege Psalters, Tributes in honor of James H. Marrow. Studies in Painting and Manuscripts Illumination of the Little Ages and Northern Renaissance, London-Turnhout, Harvey Miller Publishers, 2006 | 
+ -Référence
Judith H. Oliver, A Bundle of Myrrh: Passion Meditation in French Vernacular Poems and Images in some Liege Psalters, Tributes in honor of James H. Marrow. Studies in Painting and Manuscripts Illumination of the Little Ages and Northern Renaissance, London-Turnhout, Harvey Miller Publishers, 2006
+ -Sujets traités
1 œuvre traitée
> Anonyme | Prière | Pius Deus omnipotens ki haut sies et lonc vois / ki juske as fins dé terres apparustes as rois
3 projets de parution traités
> LONDON | British Library | Add MS 21114
> MELBOURNE | State Library of Victoria | 096 R66 1/Au 4 (Sinclair 219)
> NEW YORK | Morgan Library and Museum | M.440
+ -Thésaurus
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