Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Kathryn A. Smith, Accident, Play, and Invention: Three Infancy Miracles in the Holkham Bible Picture Book, Tributes to Jonathan J.G. Alexander. The Making and Meaning of Illuminated Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Art and Architecture, London-Turnhout, Harvey Miller Publishers, 2006 : p. 357-69 | 
+ -Référence
Kathryn A. Smith, Accident, Play, and Invention: Three Infancy Miracles in the Holkham Bible Picture Book, Tributes to Jonathan J.G. Alexander. The Making and Meaning of Illuminated Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Art and Architecture, London-Turnhout, Harvey Miller Publishers, 2006 : p. 357-69
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> LONDON | British Library | Add MS 47682
> OXFORD | Bodleian Library | Selden Supra 038
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