Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Joyce Coleman, Aural illumination: Books and Aurality in the Frontispieces to Bishop Chevrot's Cité de Dieu, Orality and Literacy in the Middle Ages Essays on a Conjunction and its consequences in Honour of D. H. Green, Mélanges D. H. Green, Turnhout, Brepols, 2005 | 
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Joyce Coleman, Aural illumination: Books and Aurality in the Frontispieces to Bishop Chevrot's Cité de Dieu, Orality and Literacy in the Middle Ages Essays on a Conjunction and its consequences in Honour of D. H. Green, Mélanges D. H. Green, Turnhout, Brepols, 2005
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> BRUXELLES | Bibliothèque royale de Belgique | 09015-09016
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