Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Janice M Pinder, Love and Reason from Hugh of Fouilloy to the Abbaye du Saint Esprit: Changes at the Top in the Medieval Cloister Allegory, Parergon. Journal of the Australian and New Zealand association for medieval and early modern studies, 27, 2010 : p. 67-83 | 
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Janice M Pinder, Love and Reason from Hugh of Fouilloy to the Abbaye du Saint Esprit: Changes at the Top in the Medieval Cloister Allegory, Parergon. Journal of the Australian and New Zealand association for medieval and early modern studies, 27, 2010 : p. 67-83
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> Anonyme | Abbaye du Saint Esprit | Mout de gens voudroient entrer en religion et ne pueent
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