
Italo Amilcar Morales-Hidalgo, Godefroy de Bouillon. A critical edition with introduction, notes and glossary of lines 2324-5501 of Brussels B.R. Ms. 10391 with variants from Lyon B.M. Ms. 744, University of Alabama, 1974

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Italo Amilcar Morales-Hidalgo, Godefroy de Bouillon. A critical edition with introduction, notes and glossary of lines 2324-5501 of Brussels B.R. Ms. 10391 with variants from Lyon B.M. Ms. 744, University of Alabama, 1974
DAI, 35, 11, p. 7318-A.
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> Anonyme | Chanson du Chevalier au cygne et de Godefroi de Bouillon | à compléter
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