Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X MARCELLE THIEBAUX, The Stag of Love: The Chase in Medieval Literature, Ithaca-New York-London, Cornell University Press, 1974 | 
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MARCELLE THIEBAUX, The Stag of Love: The Chase in Medieval Literature, Ithaca-New York-London, Cornell University Press, 1974
CR (Fisher, John H.), in Speculum, 52 (1977), p. 437-439; CR (Varty, Kenneth), in The Modern Language Review, 71 (1976), p. 117-118; CR (Helsinger, Howard), in Modern Philology, 76, 1 (1978), p. 66-69.
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> Anonyme | Dit du cerf amoureux | As sages, loiaus, hounourables, / Courtois, amoureus et raisonables...
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