Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Jill Tattersall, Sphere or Disc? Allusions to the Shape of the Earth in Some Twelfth-century and Thirteenth-century Vernacular French Works, The Modern Language Review, 76, 1981 : p. 31-46 | 
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Jill Tattersall, Sphere or Disc? Allusions to the Shape of the Earth in Some Twelfth-century and Thirteenth-century Vernacular French Works, The Modern Language Review, 76, 1981 : p. 31-46
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2 œuvres traitées
> Simon de Freine | Roman de philosophie | Solaz dune e tout ire / Icest romanz ki l'ot lire
> Thomas de Kent | Roman de toute chevalerie | Mult par est icest(e) siecle dolenz e perilleus...
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