Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X CWILLIAM MARX, Beginnings and endings: narrative-linking in five manuscripts from the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and the problem of textual "integrity", Manuscripts and Readers in Fifteenth-Century England : The litarary inplications of manuscript study. Essays from the 1981 conference at the Univ. of York, Cambridge, Brewer, 1983 : p. 70-81 | 
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CWILLIAM MARX, Beginnings and endings: narrative-linking in five manuscripts from the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and the problem of textual "integrity", Manuscripts and Readers in Fifteenth-Century England : The litarary inplications of manuscript study. Essays from the 1981 conference at the Univ. of York, Cambridge, Brewer, 1983 : p. 70-81
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