Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X George William Coopland, Philippe de Mézières : Letter to king Richard II. A plea made in 1395 for peace between England and France. Original text and English version of the Epistre au roi Richard, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 1975 | 
+ -Référence
George William Coopland, Philippe de Mézières : Letter to king Richard II. A plea made in 1395 for peace between England and France. Original text and English version of the Epistre au roi Richard, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 1975
CR (Autrand, Fr., Contamine, Ph.), in Revue historique, 531 (1979), p. 124-125 ; CR (Contamine, Ph.), in Annales E.S.C., 33 (1978), p. 167-168 ; CR (Genet, Jean-Philippe), in Le Moyen Âge, 85 (1979), 1, p. 156-157 ; CR (Merci, Paolo), in Studi medievali, 19, 2 (1978), p. 1053-1055.
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