Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Stephen K. Wright, The Vengeance of Our Lord. Medieval dramatizations of the destruction of Jerusalem, Studies and Texts, 89, Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1989 | 
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Stephen K. Wright, The Vengeance of Our Lord. Medieval dramatizations of the destruction of Jerusalem, Studies and Texts, 89, Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1989
Recensions : - J.-P. Bordier in MAevum 61 (1992) 347-348 - H.-J. Diller in GRM 72 (1991)113-115 - R. Blasting in Speculum 65 (1990)1085-1087 - D.A. Wells in MLR 85 (1990) 676-679 - L. R. Muir in Comparative Drama 24 (1990/91) pp. 191-192
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