Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X AJ Holden, Protheselaus by Hue de Rotelande, ed. byA. J. H.Vol. III : Introduction, Notes and Glossary, Anglo-Norman Texts, 49, London, ANTS, 1993 | 
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AJ Holden, Protheselaus by Hue de Rotelande, ed. byA. J. H.Vol. III : Introduction, Notes and Glossary, Anglo-Norman Texts, 49, London, ANTS, 1993
The Author and the Poem; Sources; The Manuscripts; The Language; Establishment of Text; Select Bibliography; Notes to the Text; Glossary; Index of Proper Names. Ms. de base : PARIS BN fr 2169 (A); notice descriptive p. 10-11;. ms. de Londres (B) : notice descriptive p. 11. ms. d'Oxford : fragment : courte notice descriptive p. 11-12.
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