NORRIS LACY, Lancelot-grail. The Old French Arthurian Vulgate and Post-Vulgate in translation, Garland reference library of the humanities, 941. 1826, New York; London, Garland, 1993
Vol. 1 Introd. / by E. Jane Burns; History of the holy grail / transl. by Carol J. Chase, Story of Merlin / transl. by Rupert T. Pickens. 1993. XXXIII, 424 p. - Vol. II Lancelot, Part 1/ transl. by Samuel N. Rosenberg; Part 2/ transl. by Carleton W. Carroll; Part 3/ transl. by Samuel N. Rosenberg. 1993. X, 332 p.CRMAevum 64 (1995) 139- 141 / Kennedy, Elspeth Klapp 33, 1995, n° 2099 Mots-clés :Lancelot-graal//Lancelot en prose// éd, trad