Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X SARAH ROCHE-MAHDI, Heldris de Cornuaille, Silence. A thirteenth-century French romance / newly ed. and transl., with introd. and notes, Medieval texts and studies, 10, East Lansing MI, Colleagues Press, 1992 | 
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SARAH ROCHE-MAHDI, Heldris de Cornuaille, Silence. A thirteenth-century French romance / newly ed. and transl., with introd. and notes, Medieval texts and studies, 10, East Lansing MI, Colleagues Press, 1992
CRMAevum 63 (1994) 146- 147 / Gaunt, Simon B.; RLaR 98 (1994) 500-502 / Pratt, Karen Cité dans Klapp, 31, 1993, n° 2534 Mots-clés :Heldris de cornouailles: silence//Silence: heldris de cornouailles// éd, trad
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