
SAMUEL N ROSENBERG et SAMUEL DANON, Ami and Amile, A Medieval Tale of Friendship, translated from the Old French by Samuel N. Rosenberg and Samuel Danon, with a new Afterword by David Konstan, Stylus, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1996

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SAMUEL N ROSENBERG et SAMUEL DANON, Ami and Amile, A Medieval Tale of Friendship, translated from the Old French by Samuel N. Rosenberg and Samuel Danon, with a new Afterword by David Konstan, Stylus, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1996
Mots-clés :Ami et Amile// trad
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> Anonyme | Ami et Amile, en décasyllabes | Or entendez, seignor gentil baron, / Que Deus de gloire voz face vrai pardon...
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