Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Diana M. Faust, Women narrators in the Lais of marie de France, Women in French Literature. A collection of essays ed. by Guggenheim (Michel), Stanford French and Italian Studies, 58, Saratoga, Anma Libri, 1988 : p. 17 - 27 | 
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Diana M. Faust, Women narrators in the Lais of marie de France, Women in French Literature. A collection of essays ed. by Guggenheim (Michel), Stanford French and Italian Studies, 58, Saratoga, Anma Libri, 1988 : p. 17 - 27
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1 œuvre traitée
> Marie de France | Lais | Qui deus a duné escience / E de parler bone eloquence / Ne s'en deit taisir ne celer
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