
WILLIAM C CALIN, Will the Real Charles of Orleans Please Stand! or Who Wrote the English Poems in Harley 682 ?, Conjunctures : Medieval Studies in Honor of Douglas Kelly, Faux-titre, 83, Amsterdam-Atlanta, Rodopi, 1994

+ -Référence
WILLIAM C CALIN, Will the Real Charles of Orleans Please Stand! or Who Wrote the English Poems in Harley 682 ?, Conjunctures : Medieval Studies in Honor of Douglas Kelly, Faux-titre, 83, Amsterdam-Atlanta, Rodopi, 1994
Mots-clés :Mélanges Kelly (Douglas)//charles d'orleans//*london bl harley 682//
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1 projet de parution traité
> LONDON | British Library | Harley MS 00682
1 intervenant traité
Charles d'Orléans
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