
Janice M Pinder, Transformations of a theme: marriage and sanctity in the Old French St Alexis poems, Shifts and Transpositions in Medieval Narrative : A Festschrift for Dr. E. Kennedy, Cambridge, Brewer, 1994 : p. 71 - 88

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Janice M Pinder, Transformations of a theme: marriage and sanctity in the Old French St Alexis poems, Shifts and Transpositions in Medieval Narrative : A Festschrift for Dr. E. Kennedy, Cambridge, Brewer, 1994 : p. 71 - 88
Cité dans IMB 28/1, n° 3137 Mots-clés :Mélanges kennedy (elspeth)//Vie de st alexis//Thème mariage//Thème sainteté//
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> Anonyme | Chanson de saint Alexis | Bons fut li siecles al tens ancienur / Quer feit i ert e justise ed amur
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