Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X GAIL ORGELFINGER, The Vows of the Pheasant and Late Chivalric Ritual, The Study of Chivalry, Resources and Approaches, edited by CHICKERING (Howell) and SEILER (Thomas H.), Kalamazoo Michigan, Western Michigan University Medieval Institute Publications, 1988 : p. 611 - 643 | 
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GAIL ORGELFINGER, The Vows of the Pheasant and Late Chivalric Ritual, The Study of Chivalry, Resources and Approaches, edited by CHICKERING (Howell) and SEILER (Thomas H.), Kalamazoo Michigan, Western Michigan University Medieval Institute Publications, 1988 : p. 611 - 643
Mots-clés :Thème chevalier//
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