Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Elspeth Kennedy, The quest for identity and the importance of lineage in thirteenth-century French prose romance, The Ideals and practice of medieval knighthood II. Papers from the Third Strawberry Hill Conference, Woodbridge Wolfeboro, The Boydell Press, 1988 : p. 70 - 86 | 
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Elspeth Kennedy, The quest for identity and the importance of lineage in thirteenth-century French prose romance, The Ideals and practice of medieval knighthood II. Papers from the Third Strawberry Hill Conference, Woodbridge Wolfeboro, The Boydell Press, 1988 : p. 70 - 86
CRKULLMANN (Dorothea). ZRP, 1989, t. 105, p. 598., D'après le Lancelot en prose.;Cité dans Klapp 1990 n° 1870 Mots-clés :Roman//Thème chevalier//Congrès Strawberry Hill 1988//Lancelot en prose//Thème lignage//Congrès chevalerie//
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> Anonyme | Lancelot en prose | En la marche de Gaule et de la petite Bretaigne ot deus rois anciennement qui estoient frere germain
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