
ELIZABETH WILSON POE, The problem of the tournament in «Chaitivel», In quest of Marie de France, a twelfth-century poet, with an introduction by Chantal A. Maréchal, Medieval and Renaissance series, 10, Lewiston;Lampeter, Mellen, 1992 : p. 175 - 192

+ -Référence
ELIZABETH WILSON POE, The problem of the tournament in «Chaitivel», In quest of Marie de France, a twelfth-century poet, with an introduction by Chantal A. Maréchal, Medieval and Renaissance series, 10, Lewiston;Lampeter, Mellen, 1992 : p. 175 - 192
Cité dans Klapp t. 31, 1993, n° 2626 Mots-clés :Marie de france: chaitivel//Chaitivel: marie de france//
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1 œuvre traitée
> Marie de France | Chaitivel | Talenz me prist de remembrer / Un lai dunt jo oi parler
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