Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Rupert T. Pickens, The poetics of androgyny in the «Lais» of Marie de France. «Yonec», «Milun» and the general «Prologue», Literary aspects of courtly culture. Selected papers from the 7th Triennal Congress of the Internat. Courtly Literature Soc., Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, 27 July-1 Aug 1992, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 1994 : p. 211 - 219 | 
+ -Référence
Rupert T. Pickens, The poetics of androgyny in the «Lais» of Marie de France. «Yonec», «Milun» and the general «Prologue», Literary aspects of courtly culture. Selected papers from the 7th Triennal Congress of the Internat. Courtly Literature Soc., Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, 27 July-1 Aug 1992, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 1994 : p. 211 - 219
IMB 28/2 : Examines Marie's poetics in the light of her preoccupation with the generation, transmission, and reception of discourse both in her exordial commentary and in her stories, where that commentary is reflected at every levelCRFSt 49 (1995) 440- 441 / Damian-Grint, Peter
+ -Sujets traités
3 œuvres traitées
> Marie de France | Lais | Qui deus a duné escience / E de parler bone eloquence / Ne s'en deit taisir ne celer
> Marie de France | Yonec | Puis que des lais ai comencie / Ja n'iert pur nul travail laissie
> Marie de France | Milun | Ki divers cuntes vuelt traitier / Diversement deit commencier
+ -Thésaurus
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