Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X MICHEL-ANDRE BOSSY, The elaboration of female narrative functions in «Erec et Enide», Courtly literature. Culture and context. Selected papers from the 5th Triennial Congress of the Intern Courtly Lit Soc, 9-16 Aug 1986, Utrecht publications in general and comparative, l, Amsterdam; Philadelphia, Benjamins, 1990 : p. 23 - 38 | 
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MICHEL-ANDRE BOSSY, The elaboration of female narrative functions in «Erec et Enide», Courtly literature. Culture and context. Selected papers from the 5th Triennial Congress of the Intern Courtly Lit Soc, 9-16 Aug 1986, Utrecht publications in general and comparative, l, Amsterdam; Philadelphia, Benjamins, 1990 : p. 23 - 38
Cité dans Klapp 1991 n° 2080 Mots-clés :Chrétien de troyes: erec//Erec: chrétien de troyes//Congrès dalfsen 1986//Congrès litt courtoise//
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1 œuvre traitée
> Chrétien de Troyes | Erec et Enide | Li vilains dit an son respit / Que tel chose a l'an an despit
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