
NANCY BRADLEY-CROMEY, The Recreantise Episode in Chretien's Erec et Enide, The Study of Chivalry, Resources and Approaches, Kalamazoo Michigan, Western Michigan University Medieval Institute Publications, 1988 : p. 449 - 471

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NANCY BRADLEY-CROMEY, The Recreantise Episode in Chretien's Erec et Enide, The Study of Chivalry, Resources and Approaches, Kalamazoo Michigan, Western Michigan University Medieval Institute Publications, 1988 : p. 449 - 471
Mots-clés :Chrétien de troyes: erec//Erec: Chretien de troyes//Thème chevalier//
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> Chrétien de Troyes | Erec et Enide | Li vilains dit an son respit / Que tel chose a l'an an despit
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