Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Dawn Prince, Vernacular translation in the fourteenth-century crown of Aragon: Brunetto Latini's Li livres dou tresor, Translation and the transmission of culture between 1300 and 1600, Studies in medieval culture, 35, Kalamazoo MI, Medieval Institute Publ. Western Michigan Univ, 1995 : p. 55-95 |  Etude
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Dawn Prince, Vernacular translation in the fourteenth-century crown of Aragon: Brunetto Latini's Li livres dou tresor, Translation and the transmission of culture between 1300 and 1600, Studies in medieval culture, 35, Kalamazoo MI, Medieval Institute Publ. Western Michigan Univ, 1995 : p. 55-95
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> Brunetto Latini | Tresor | Cest livre est apelez tresor car si come li sires qui viaut en petit leu amasser choses de grandisme vaillance
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