Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Diana B Tyson, Jean le Bel, Annalist or Artist ? A Literary Appraisal, Studies in Medieval French Language and Literature presented to Brian Woledge in honour of his 80th birthday, Edited by North (Sally Burch), with a preface by Screech (M. A.), PUBL ROM ET FR, CLXXX, Genève, Droz, 1987 : p. 217 - 226 | 
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Diana B Tyson, Jean le Bel, Annalist or Artist ? A Literary Appraisal, Studies in Medieval French Language and Literature presented to Brian Woledge in honour of his 80th birthday, Edited by North (Sally Burch), with a preface by Screech (M. A.), PUBL ROM ET FR, CLXXX, Genève, Droz, 1987 : p. 217 - 226
Jean le Bel fait plus que rapporter des événements historiques, et sa chronique possède de réelles qualités littéraires CR WOLFZETTEL (Friedrich). ZRP, 1989, t. 105, p. 631.; Mots-clés :Jean le bel//Melanges woledge (brian)//
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