Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X JANE MARTINDALE, Cavalaria et Orgueill. Duke William IX of Aquitaine and the Historian, The Ideals and Practice of Medieval Knighthood II, Papers from the Third Strawberry Hill Conference, Woodbridge, Wolfeboro The Boydell Press, 1988 : p. 87 - 116 | 
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JANE MARTINDALE, Cavalaria et Orgueill. Duke William IX of Aquitaine and the Historian, The Ideals and Practice of Medieval Knighthood II, Papers from the Third Strawberry Hill Conference, Woodbridge, Wolfeboro The Boydell Press, 1988 : p. 87 - 116
Sur l'entourage de Guillaume IX. CRKULLMANN (Dorothea). ZRP, 1989, t. 105, p. 598., Confusion entre miles et cavaler; extrapolations injustifiées; fautes de jugement.; Mots-clés :Guilhem ix//Thème chevalier//Theme orgueil//Congres strawberry hill 1988//Congres chevalerie//oc
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